
dataFEED edgeConnector Modbus

Softing´s dataFEED edgeConnector Modbus is a containerized Modbus TCP connectivity module adding OPC UA Server and MQTT Publisher functionality.

It is possible to connect up to 20 Modbus TCP compatible devices.

Supported Operating Systems

dataFEED edgeConnector Modbus can be used on any Docker host that can execute Linux Docker containers based on an x86_64 architecture.

Default Settings

The default settings are described at the Default Settings page.

Running dataFEED edgeConnector Modbus

In order to run dataFEED edgeConnector Modbus a working Docker environment is required. For Docker installation instructions please refer to the official Docker installation documentation

Pulling the Image

The Docker images are provided through a public registry. To get the latest Docker image you need to pull the image from

docker image pull softingindustrial/edgeconnector-modbus:latest

Running the Docker Container

After the Docker image has been pulled, a Docker container can be started. The webserver and OPC UA Server of the module have to be exposed on the host machine if dataFEED edgeConnector Modbus shall be accessed from outside the dockerized environment.

By default dataFEED edgeConnector Modbus is configured to allow only HTTPS access to its web-based configuration interface. If in certain situations, and after a thorough security assessment and acknowledging all security risks, it is decided that HTTP communication is necessary, then this can be achieved by defining the environment variable ENABLE_HTTP_CONFIG.

docker container run -d -p 443:443 -p 8099:8099 -p 4897:4897 --name edgeConnector -e ENABLE_HTTP_CONFIG="ON" softingindustrial/edgeconnector-modbus

To start dataFEED edgeConnector Modbus with the default ports mapped 1:1 to the host machine:

docker container run -p 443:443 -p 4897:4897 softingindustrial/edgeconnector-modbus

The above example can be adapted to match the needs of your environment. For example, if your host already runs a webserver and the https port is blocked, the command can be adjusted to expose the https port of dataFEED edgeConnector Modbus on a different port:

docker container run -p 1443:443 -p 4897:4897 softingindustrial/edgeconnector-modbus

The -p switch allows to map a complete port range start-end:start-end, the -d switch allows to daemonize the container and the --name switch allows to name the container:

docker container run -d -p 1443:443 -p 4800-4900:4800-4900 --name edgeConnector softingindustrial/edgeconnector-modbus

Running with specified timezone

The -e or --env switch allows to set environment variables in the container. For setting a timezone the variable TZ must be passed with a valid TZ database name.

docker container run -d -p 1443:443 -p 4800-4900:4800-4900 --name edgeConnector -e TZ=Europe/Berlin softingindustrial/edgeconnector-modbus

For further information about supported command line options please refer to the Run section of the official Docker command line documentation.

Stopping the Docker Container

The module container can be stopped by the following command:

docker container stop edgeConnector

Please refer to the Stop section of the official Docker command line documentation for more details.

Starting the Docker Container

If the module container was stopped and not removed, it can be started again from its last state:

docker container start edgeConnector

Please refer to the Start section of the official Docker command line documentation for more details.

Removing the Docker Container

The module container can be removed at any time:

docker container rm -f edgeConnector

After removing the container its last state is lost. Please refer to the Remove section of the official Docker command line documentation for more details.

Configuration and MQTT-data Volumes

Optionally a Docker volume can be created to store the configuration permanently:

docker volume create edge-connector-config
docker volume create edge-connector-mqtt

In this case the container should be started like this, using the volume:

docker container run -d -v edge-connector-config:/config -v edge-connector-mqtt:/mqtt -p 1443:443 -p 4800-4900:4800-4900 --name edgeConnector softingindustrial/edgeconnector-modbus


The configuration part, which is common for all kinds of dataFEED edgeConnector modules is described at the Configuration page.

Modbus TCP Connection Configuration

To configure a connection to a Modbus device, navigate to Connectivity -> PLC -> Modbus in the navigation tree as depicted below:


The page provides an overview of the currently configured connections including its Name, its IP Address, its connection Status and its Enabled status.

Column Name Information Details
Name Connection name as defined at creation time
IP Address IP address or host name of device
Status Status of connection
  The connection status can be Connected if the connection to the device is established or Disconnected if there is no connection to the device
  The connection status is dynamically updated every 2 seconds.
Enabled Configuration status of the connection
  Possible values are Enabled or Disabled.
  Clicking the current configuration status icon triggers a state toggle: Enabled -> Disabled respectively Disabled -> Enabled

From the title bar of the connection overview table a new connection can be added and existing connections can either be edited or deleted.

Adding a new connection and editing an existing connection, both open an identical page. The only difference is, that for an existing connection the Connection Name property cannot be changed.


The configuration parameters are described below:

Parameter Name Default Value Description
Connection Name <empty> Connection name as it will show up in the connection overview page
    The connection name has to be unique and can only be assigned when adding a new connection.
    The following characters are not supported in the Connection Name field: # ^ < > / $
Enabled Enabled Instructs dataFEED edgeConnector Modbus to either Enable (checked) or Disable (unchecked) the currently configured connection.
Txt-File   An ASCII text file with the address-space definition to upload, see Modbus Item Syntax
Address <empty> Address of the target device. This is either an IP address or a hostname.
Select Address Spaces AllConnection Destination aggregation address space used to store the address space corresponding to this connection
  AddressSpace It is possible to create additional aggregation address spaces by filling in the desired address space name in the input field and clicking the Add button. All available address spaces are visible in a list and can be selected as destination address space for the OPC UA Client connection by checking the corresponding checkbox.
    For more details about the OPC UA Server functionality and configuration please refer to the OPC UA Configuration page.

OPC UA Server

The OPC UA Server functionality and configuration is described at the OPC UA Configuration page.


Softing License

dataFEED edgeConnector Modbus’s scope of delivery includes a time-limited and functionaly unlimited demo mode. The demo mode is started immediately once the module has been started without a valid license. It will expire after 72 hours and dataFEED edgeConnector Modbus stops working.
To remove the time limitation of the demo mode dataFEED edgeConnector Modbus must be licensed. dataFEED edgeConnector Modbus uses a floating license mechanism. A working floating license server is required to have dataFEED edgeConnector Modbus successfully licensed.

Please see the License README page for further details.

The license activation for dataFEED edgeConnector Modbus is described at the README page of the Softing License Server.

License Server Connection Configuration

Please see the section License Server Connection Configuration of the License README file for further details.

Open Source Licenses

For the license information of the open source components used by dataFEED edgeConnector Modbus, please see the Open Source page.